Genus: Lycaenops BROOM, 1925
Etymology: Greek, lykaina, “she-wolf”, and Greek, ops, “face”: Wolf face.
= Lycaenoides BROOM, 1925
Etymology: Greek, lykaina, “she-wolf”, + oides (m): Wolf-like one.
= Tangagorgon? BOONSTRA, 1953
Etymology: In reference to the Tanganyika Territory, where it was found: Tanganyika gorgonopsid.
= Tigricephalus BROOM, 1948
Etymology: Greek, tigris, “tiger”, Greek, kephale, “head” + us: Tiger head.

Species: ornatus BROOM, 1925

Holotype: AMNH 2240

Locality: 2 miles south of Biejespoort Station, Victoria West District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Hoedemaker member, Middle Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tropidostoma zone (Tropidostoma-Endothidon Assemblage zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, Tropidostoma microtrema zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Cistecephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Endothiodon zone, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Skull and fragmentary skeleton.

Referred material:


Locality: Waterkrans Farm, Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape Province and Richmond District, Free (Orange Free) State, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


BP 260: Skull and dentary.


Locality: Ou Plaas, Richmond District, Free (Orange Free) State, South Africa.

Horizon: Oudeberg Member, Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Lower Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


BP 334: Skull.


Locality: Matjiesfontein, near Aberdeen, Graaff Reinet District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Hoedemaker member, Middle Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tropidostoma zone (Tropidostoma-Endothidon Assemblage zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, Tropidostoma microtrema zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Cistecephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Endothiodon zone, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


RC 301/2 (or RC 147, 148?): 2 skulls.


Species: angusticeps (BROOM, 1913)
= Scymnognathus angusticeps BROOM, 1913
= Lycaenoides angusticeps BROOM, 1925

Holotype: AMNH 5537

Locality: Wilgebosch, near New Bethesda Commonage, Graaff Reinet District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Skull and mandibles.

Referred material:

LAURIN, 1998

Locality: Leeufontein, Murraysburg District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


UCMP 42701: Fragmentary skull.


= Scymnognathus minor BROOM, 1913

Holotype: AMNH 5535

Locality: New Bethesda Commonage, Graaff Reinet District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.


= Scymnognathus major OLSEN & BROOM, 1937
Etymology: Latin, major, "greater."

Holotype: WMUC 1513

Locality: Brakwater Farm, Murraysburg District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Oudeberg Member, Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Skull.


Species:? minor (BRINK & KITCHING, 1953)
Etymology: Greek, minor, "minor, small."
= Aelurognathus minor BRINK & KITCHING, 1953

Holotype: BP 262

Locality: Bethesda Road Station, north of Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Skull and mandible.

Referred material:

Locality: Unknown, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Dicynodon zone (Dicynodon lacerticeps-Whaitsia zone, KEYSER 1979, SACS 1980, Dicynodon laticerticeps zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Daptocephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Upper Cistecephalus zone WATSON, 1914)

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


RC 119: Skull.


Locality: Mishoek, Murraysburg District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Oudeberg Member, Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Middle Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


BP 264: Skull.


Locality: Kirkvors, Murraysburg District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Oudeberg Member, Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


BP 281: Skull.


Species:? microdon (BOONSTRA, 1934)
= Aelurognathus microdon BOONSTRA, 1934

Holotype: SAM 9344

Locality: Klein Bloemhof, Richmond District, Free (Orange Free) State, South Africa.

Horizon: Oudeberg Member, Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Fragmentary skull, fragmentary dentary, a continuous series of 7 cervicals and 7 dorsals (the rest of the posterior dorsals are lost), then a series commencing with the last presacral, 3 sacrals and 5 caudals, an excellently preserved pectoral girdle with a sternum, 2 good humeri, a good radius and ulna, the proximal ends of the ulna and radius from the other side, an imperfect carpus, left ilium, left ischium, and part of the right ischium, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metatarsals and phalanges.

Species:? tenuirostris (BOONSTRA, 1953)
= Tangagorgon tenuirostris BOONSTRA, 1953

Holotype: SAM 11744

Locality: Ngaka-Kingori Hill, Tanganyika, East Africa.

Horizon: Hoedemaker member, Middle Teekloof Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tropidostoma zone (Tropidostoma-Endothidon Assemblage zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, Tropidostoma microtrema zone KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Cistecephalus zone KITCHING, 1970, 1977, Endothiodon zone, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Fragmentary skull with proatlas and atlas.



After Boonstra, 1953.