Genus: Candelariodon OLIVEIRA, SCHULTZ, SOARES & RODRIGUES, 2011
Etymology: In reference to the city of Candelaria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, where the holotype was collected, and Greek, odon, "tooth."

Species: barberenai OLIVEIRA, SCHULTZ, SOARES & RODRIGUES, 2011
Etymology: In honor of Prof. Mario Costa Barberena, a pioneer of research on Permian and Triasic Brazilian tetrapods.

Holotype: MMACR PV-0001-T

Locality: Mr. Ronaldo Becker's property, Pinheiro region, Candelaria municipalty, circa 200 km west from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.

Horizon: Lower Santa Maria Formation (Santa Maria 1 sequence from Santa Maria Supersequence).

Biostratigraphy: Dinodontosaurus AZ.

Age: Ladinian Stage, Late Mid Triassic Epoch, Upper Middle Triasssic.

Material: Right and left dentaries fused, right and left splenials approximately in articulated position, distal left lower incisor, both canines broken near the crown basis, first to fifth left and first to third right lower postcanines, isolated postcanine lying in the lateral surface of the left dentary, interpreted as a right maxillary tooth.