Genus: Huaxiadraco PEGAS, ZHOU, JIN, WANG & MA, 2023
Etymology: Huaxia, the Chinese phonetic alphabet, the old name of China, and Greek, -pterus, "wing"; the suffix of pterosaur: the generic name implies that the new pterosaur is from China.

Species: corollatus(LÜ, JIN, UNWIN, ZHAO, AZUMA & JI, 2006) PEGAS, ZHOU, JIN, WANG & MA, 2023
Etymology: Latin, corollatus, "coronal"; pertaining to the shape of the cranial crest.
= Huaxiapterus corollatus LÜ, JIN, UNWIN, ZHAO, AZUMA & JI, 2006
= Sinopterus corollatus (LÜ, JIN, UNWIN, ZHAO, AZUMA & JI, 2006) KELLNER, 2010

Holotype: ZMNH M8131

Locality: Unknown, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Jiufotang Formation, Upper Jehol Group.

Biostratigraphy: Psittacosaurus fauna, Cathayornis-Chaoyanga Avifauna.

Age: Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.

Referred material:


BPMC 103: Almost complete skull, incomplete cervical series, incomplte forelimbs and incomplete hindlimbs.

BPMC 104: Premaxillomaxilla, an almost complete mandible, incomplete cervical and dorsal series, and almost complete fore and hindlimb elements.

BPMC 105: Badly presrved skull and skeleton.

= Huaxiapterus benxiensis LU, GAO, XING, LI & JI, 2007
Etymology: In reference to the Benxi Geological Museum, Liaoning Province, China, at which the holotype is housed.

Holotype: BXGM V0011

Locality: Lianhe Town, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China.

Horizon: Jiufotang Formation, Upper Jehol Group.

Biostratigraphy: Psittacosaurus fauna, Cathayornis-Chaoyanga Avifauna.

Age: Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull and skeleton.
