Genus: Sphenacodon MARSH, 1878
Etymology: Greek, sphenos, "wedge", Greek, konos, “cone” and Greek, odon, “tooth”: Wedge cone tooth.
= Elcabrosaurus CASE, 1907
= Oxyodon HUENE, 1908

Species: ferox MARSH, 1878

Holotype: YPM 818 (YPM 806)

Locality: Baldwin Bonebed, near Arroyo de Agua, New Mexico.

Horizon: Abo/Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Dentary and maxilla.

Referred material:

FMNH WM 35: Skull and partial skeleton.

FMNH WM 10: Fragmentary skull and jaws, presacral column and ribs, shoulder girdle and front leg.

FMNH WM 1218: Fragmentary skull and jaws and other bones.

FMNH WM 425: Fragmentary skull, shoulder girdle and vertebrae.

FMNH WM 747: Vertebrae and scapulocoracoid.

FMNH WM: Axis.

AMNH 4798: Fragmentary material.

AMNH 4779: Fragmentary skull and other fragments.

UM 9778: Fragmentary skull fragments of vertebrae and ribs.

FMNH WM 672, WM 739: Maxillae.

FMNH WM 740: 2 maxillae.

FMNH WM 1200: Dentary.

FMNH WM 168, UM 3006, UM 3015: Scapulocoracoids.

UM 3031: Axis.

UM 3588: Dorsal vertebrae.

After ROMER & PRICE, 1940, Based on WM 35, details added from WM 10.



Locality: Gallina Wash locality (NMMNH locality 4668, CM locality 1057), Joyita Hills region, approximately 20 km northeast of Socorro, central Socorro County, New Mexico.

Horizon: Scholle Member, Lower Abo Formation.


Age: Middle Wolfcampian State (Coyotean or Seymouran age), Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


CM 87692: Distal end of femur.

NMMNH P-65020: Proximal end of left femur.

NMMNH P-65029: Distal end of left femur.

NMMNH P-66810: Complete vertebra.


Locality: Miller Quarry, El Cobre Canyon, near Arroyo de Agua, Rio Arriba County, New



Age: Early Permian.


Number: Not given: 10 dorsal vertebrae, 5 spines and a coracoid.

Number: Not given: Nearly complete lower right ramus lacking only the articular region, the anterior part of the left ramus, fragmentary right maxilla with parts of the nasals, fragment of left maxilla, external process of both pterygoids, both postorbitals, the lower border of the left orbit, left quadrate, fragment of right quadrate, 2 vertebrae, 3 fragmentary vertebrae, 2 clavicles and femur.

Number: Not given: 2 dorsal vertebrae, part of the right maxilla, fragment of scapula.

Number: Not given: 2 scapula-coracoids, fragmentary pelvis, axis, atlantal intercentrum, 3 fragmentary maxillae.



Locality: Cardillo Quarry (CM locality 998), near the village of Arroyo del Agua, Rio Arriba County, north-central New Mexico.

Horizon: El Cobre Canyon Formation, Cutler Group.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


CM 76895: Incomplete skull, and partial skeleton.


VAUGHN, 1969

Locality: NE 1/4, sec. 18 and NW 1/4, sec. 17, T15S, R11E, Laborcita Canyon, Tularosa, Otero County, New Mexico.



Age: Early Permian.


Number: Not given: Vertebra.


= Elcabrosaurus baldwini CASE, 1907

Holotype: AMNH 4778

Locality: El Cobre Canyon, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.



Age: Late Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).

Material: Fragmentary maxilla, quadrate and a number of presacral vertebrae.

Referred material:

AMNH 2285: A series of disconnected vertebrae.


= Scoliomus puercensis WILLISTON & CASE, 1913

Holotype: FMNH UC 736

Locality: Rio Arriba County, North-central New Mexico.

Horizon: Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Centrum, 4 limb elements, 2 partial partial humeri, the proximal head of the left ulna, a left femur, and the proximal head of the left tibia.


Species: ferocior ROMER, 1937

Holotype: MCZ 1489

Locality: San Diego Canyon, 2.5 km south of the Spanish Queen Mine, Sandoval County, New Mexico.

Horizon: Abo/Cutler Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Articulated skull and partial skeleton.

Referred material:

FMNH WM 11: Fragmentary skeleton.

After ROMER & PRICE, 1940.

EBERTH, 1985

Locality: Locality UCMP V-3431, Anderson Quarry, 1.3 km southwest of the type locality of Stegotretus agyrus, 3/4 of a mile S55'W of Loma Salazar in a small gulch some 1,385 yards S14'W of the Rio Pueroc Bridge SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4,just above massive sandstone lens one mile above confluence of Rio Puerco and Poleo Creek, and 1/4 miles east of Rio Puerco, SW 1/4, Sec. 8, T22N, R3E, near Arroyo del Agua, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.

Horizon: Upper part of the El Cobre Canyon Formation, Cutler Group (Cutler Formation, Abo Formation).


Age: Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


UCMP 123288, 125583: Left stapes.

UCMP 34182: 18 fragmentary maxillae.

UCMP 34184: Left postfrontal.

UCMP 34192: Right lachrymal.

UCMP 34194: Parietal.

UCMP 34195 Right and left maxillae with 12 teeth and left maxilla with 21 teeth.

UCMP 34196: Partial skull, septomaxilla, right maxilla with 18 teeth, right lachrymal, right jugal, right squamosal.

UCMP 34197: 5 fragmentary dentarys.

UCMP 34201: left splenial.

UCMP 34202: Left articular.

UCMP 34218: Right maxilla with 15 teeth and left maxilla with 18 teeth, left prearticular, sphenethmoid, basiparasphenoid, occiput and braincase, and a left dentary with 26 teeth.

UCMP 34219: Left quadrate and quadratojual.

UCMP 45895: Left maxilla with 20 teeth of a juvenile.

UCMP 83048: Right maxilla with 18 or 19 teeth.

UCMP 83049: Left maxilla with 16 teeth.

UCMP 83050: Right maxilla with 17 teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83051: Right maxilla with 16 teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83053: Right maxilla with 14+ teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83054: Right maxilla with 12+ teeth.

UCMP 83055: Right maxilla with 15+ teeth.

UCMP 83056: Right maxilla with 9+ teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83057: Right maxilla with 16+ teeth.

UCMP 83058: Right maxilla with 16(+)? teeth.

UCMP 83059: Right maxilla with 15+ teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83060: Right maxilla with 17(+)? teeth.

UCMP 83092: Left maxilla with 16 teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83093: Left maxilla with 16 teeth.

UCMP 83094: Left maxilla with 12+ teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83095: Left maxilla with 12(+)? teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83096: Right maxilla with 17 teeth.

UCMP 83097: Left maxilla with 15(+)? teeth.

UCMP 83098: Left maxilla with 17 teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83099: Right maxilla with 10+ teeth.

UCMP 83100: Left maxilla with 8+ teeth of a subadult or juvenile.

UCMP 83101: Left maxilla with 14+ teeth.

UCMP 83102: Left maxilla with 13+ teeth.

UCMP 83103: Right maxilla with 11+ teeth.

UCMP 83104: Right maxilla with 16(+)? teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83185: Right prefrontal.

UCMP 83193: Left frontal.

UCMP 83203: Right nasal.

UCMP 83208: Partial skull, right jugal.

UCMP 83251: Supraoccipital.

UCMP 83285: Left palatine.

UCMP 83378: Right surangular.

UCMP 83397: Right angular.

UCMP 83407: Right premaxilla.

UCMP 83459: Right coronid, right dentary with 23 teeth and left dentary with 22+ teeth.

UCMP 83460: Left dentary with 23 teeth.

UCMP 83461: Right dentary with 23 teeth.

UCMP 83462: Left dentary with 20 teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83463: Left dentary with 18+ teeth.

UCMP 83464: Right dentary with 24 teeth.

UCMP 83465: Left dentary with 17+ teeth.

UCMP 83466: Right dentary with 22 teeth.

UCMP 83467: Right dentary with 20+ teeth.

UCMP 83468: Left dentary with 22 teeth.

UCMP 83469: Left dentary with 24(+)? teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83470: Right dentary with 20+ teeth.

UCMP 83471: Right dentary with 23 teeth.

UCMP 83472: Right dentary with 20+ teeth.

UCMP 83473: Left dentary with 12+ teeth.

UCMP 83474: Right dentary with 12+ teeth of a subadult.

UCMP 83475: Left dentary with 12+ teeth.

UCMP 83476: Right dentary with 24 teeth.

UCMP 83477: Right dentary with 25 teeth and left dentary with 3+ teeth.

UCMP 83478: Right dentary with 24 teeth.

UCMP 83479: Right dentary with 25 teeth.

UCMP 83430: Right dentary with 18+ teeth.

UCMP 1131350: Dentary with 20+ teeth.

Other specimens: 1 septomaxilla, 8 nasals, 12 frontals, 13 parietals, 12 prefrontals, 4 postfrontals, 11 postorbitals, 1 lachrymal, 12 jugals, 8 squamosals, 1 tabular, 2 vomers, 3 palatines, 35 pterygoids, 3 epipterygoids, 26 quadrate-quadratojugal, 8 basioccipitals, 5 exoccipitals, 9 supraocciptials, 10 opisthotics, 10 prootics, 2 basiparaspheinoids, 2 stapes, 9 splenials, 21 surangulars, 20 angulars, 2 prearticulars, and 19 articulars.

Based upon UCMP 34196 and 83208.

Based upon UCMP 34196.

Based upon UCMP 83459.


Locality: Rito Puerco, New Mexico.

Horizon: Abo Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


YPM 818: Fragmentary skull, nearly complete presacral column, girdles, humerus, and femur.

YPM 1107: Skull fragments and vertebrae.

YPM 2836(1127): Scaplocoracoid.


Locality: Ojo de la Parida near Socorro, New Mexico.

Horizon: Abo Formation.


Age: Wolfcampian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.


UM 9649: Fragmentary femur, spine and clavicle.


= Sphenacodon cf. S. ferocior VAUGHN, 1964

Locality: Organ Rock, Monument Valley, Navajo County, Utah and Arizona.

Material: Organ Rock.


Age: Early Permian.


UCLA VP 1646: Fragmentary axis.

UCLA VP 1647: Atlantal centrum.


Species: britannicus (HUENE, 1908) PATON, 1974
= Oxyodon britannicus HUENE, 1908

Holotype: GSM 22893

Locality: Kenilworth, Warwickshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Kenilworth Sandstone, probably Autunian.


Age: Early Permian.

Material: Fragmentary left maxilla.

Referred material:

GSM 22894: Impression of the external surface of part of the left maxilla.