Genus: Acanthostega JARVIK, 1952

Species: gunnari JARVIK, 1952

Holotype: NHMD 74758 (previously MUGH [GM] A33 [6033])

Locality: Wimans Bjerg, southwest corner, local talus below 350m, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.

Material: Fragmentary skull.

Referred material:

GM A85, GM A88, GM AA90: Fragmentary skulls.



Locality: South Celsius Berg, central part, western slope, East Greenland.

Horizon: Undifferentiated units on north Celsius Bjerg, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.




Locality: Stensiö Bjerg, Acanthostega site outcrop, in situ, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


2) 100 specimens.


Locality: Stensiö Bjerg, fossil bearing stata just north of and corresponding to Acanthostega site outcrop, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


1253, 1256, 1266:


Locality: Stensiö Bjerg, loose in scree, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


?, 271:


Locality: Stensiö Bjerg, loose in scree near Acanthostega in situ horizon, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


147-149, 152-154:


Locality: Stensiö Bjerg, loose in scree just below Acanthostega in situ horizon, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


Numbers not given: 93 specimens.


Locality: Wiman Bjerg, ovan bottenterrassen, talus, East Greenland.

Horizon: Aina Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


MGUH VP6090:


Locality: Wiman Bjerg, south east ridge loose in scree, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


138, 1399-1400, 1499, 1607: 2 juveniles and 3 adults.



CLACK 1988

Locality: Locality A, South-east slope of Stensos Bjerg, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation.


Age: Late Devonian.


UMZC T1300a-c, UMZC T1300f, UMZC T1300e: Fragmentary skulls.
Note: UMZC T1300: Composite block including 3 skulls with branchial arches and pectoral girdls. Fits between blocks MGUH F.n. 1227 and 1258. Skulls labeled as ‘B’ and ‘C’ in Clack (1988) associated with postcrania of individuals Z and Y respectively (MGUH f.n. 1258).

UMZC T1299: Fragmentary skull.

UMZC T1300d: A dorso-ventrally compressed but otherwise almost completely preserved neurocranium, lacking only the anterior end of the sphenethmoid.

UMZC T1300f: This forms most of the skull pertaining to MGUH f.n. 1258, a dorosoventrally compressed skull lacking the anterior roofing bones.

UMZC T1300e, UMZC T1294a, UMZC T1294b: Clavicles.

UMZC T1300g: Counterpart of skull UMZC T1300e.

UMZC T1300j: Fragmentary skull, scapulocoracoid, and cervical elements.

UMZC T1293, UMZC T1300a, UMZC T1292: Interclavicles.

UMZC T1295: Fragmentary humerus.

UMZC T1291: Fragmentary pelvic girdle and caudal rib.

CLACK, 1994

UGUH f.n. 1300a: Uncrushed skull.

CLACK, 1998

MGUH f.n. 1604: A skull and braincase lacking only the snouth, the basioccipital and exoccipital.

MGUH f.n. 236: A skull lacking the snout, palate and ventral and posterior parts of the braincase and suspensorium.

After AHLBERG, CLACK, & BLOM, 2005

CLACK, 1994

Locality: East Greenland.

Horizon: Aina Dal Formation, Celsius Bjerg Group.


Age: Famennian Stage, Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


MGUH f.n. 1400: Skull, part of shoulder girdle and tail.



Locality: East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation.


Age: Late Famennian Stage, Upper Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


MGUH A190: Fragmentary skull.


Locality: East Greenland.



Age: Late Devonian.


Number: Not given: 2 isolated humeri.


MGUH-VP-8518 ('Rosie', field number MGUHY f.n. 1300a): An incomplete skull with incomplete, articulated lower jaws.

MGUH-VP-8160 ('Grace', field number MGUH f.n. 1300b): nearly complete, mediolaterally compressed skull.

MGUH 29019 ('Boris', field number MGUH f.n. 1227): A dorsoventrally flattened skull lacking most of the skull table.

CLACK, 2002

MGUH f.n. 219: Left half of a skull.

MGUH f.n. 222: Right half os skull roof in interal view with sclerotic ring, lacking snout and maxilla.

MGUH f. n. 230: Left half of skull in part and counterpart lackign snout and maxilla.

COATES, 1996

Locality: Gauss Halvo, East Greenland.

Horizon: Britta Dal Formation.


Age: Late Famennian Stage, Upper Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.


MGUH f.n. 252: Almost complete array of ventral trunk sacles (gastralia), plus pelvic plate.

MGUH f.n. 255: Part of tail endoskeleton with dermal rays plus incomplete pelvis and hind limbs. Fits onto edge of block MGUH f.n. 1227.

MGUH f.n. 272: Isolated humerus.

MGUH f.n. 260: Pelvic girdle with femur articulated in acetabulum.

MGUH f.n. 1227: Large block consisting of 11 parts. Includes the most complete specimen of Acanthostegia, consisting of a dorsoventrally crushed skull with braincae, sclerotic ring, palate, stapes, branchial arches and pectoral girdle, octodactylous left and incomplete right forelimbs, vertebral column extending from cervical to mid-caudal region, plus incomplete rib series. MGUH f.n. 1227 also contains a further skull, and the pelvic, hind limb, and caudal skeleton (with dermal rays) of a third individual (extending onto MGUH f.n. 255). MGUH f. N. 1227 connects with UMZC T1300.

MGUH f.n. 1258: Multi-part block which connects with specimen UMZC T1300. Includes branchial arches, ribs and neural arch series of 2 individuals.

MGUH f.n. 1300a, b: Multi-part block including excellent caudal lepidotrichia with few endoskeletal bones. Also includes important palatal material and a uniquely, almost ‘in-the-round” skull.

MGUH f.n. 1336: Skull and petoral girdle including natural mould of interclavicle.

MGUH f.n. 1358: Clavicle plus scapulacoracoid with ventral portion of cleitherum.

MGUH f.n. 1375: Hinlimb with near-articulatd tarus and digits.

MGUH f.n. 1324: Composite block including caudal endoskeleton and sacral rib.