Ichnogenus: Moguiornipes XING, HARRIS, JIA, LUO, WANG & AN, 2011
Etymology: Chinese, mogu, "demon," Latin, orni, "bird" and Latin, pes, "foot"; Mogui refres to the local famous resort Demon City (Mogui Cheng).

Ichnospecies: robusta XING, HARRIS, JIA, LUO, WANG & AN, 2011
Etymology: Latin, robusta, "robust"; meaing the tracks are robust.

Holotype: MGCM.H25a

Locality: Huangyangquan track site, 46°4'25"N, 85°34'57"E, Huangyangquan Reservoir, Wuerhe District, Xingjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China.

Horizon: Lower layer of the Tugulu Group.


Age: Early Cretaceous.

Material: A complete natural pes track.


MGCM.H25a-d: 3 natural casts found on the same slab as teh type.

MGCM.H27a: A natural pest cast.