Ichnogenus: Macropodosauropus DZHALIOV & NOVIKOV, 1993
Etymology: Greek, macro, "big", Greek, podo, "foot", Greek, sauros, "lizard" and Latin, pus, "foot."
= Macropodosaurus ZAKHAROV, 1964 non

Ichnospecies: gravis (ZAKHAROV, 1964) DZHALIOV & NOVIKOV, 1993
Etymology: Latin, gravis, "heavy."
= Macropodosaurus gravis ZAKHAROV, 1964


Locality: Schirkent Tal (Shirkent I), 1.5 km north of the settlement of Shirkent, near the right bank of the lower Shirkent River, southern slope of the Hissar Mountains, Shirabad Suite, Tajikistan.

Horizon: Lower part of the Shirabad Formation.


Age: Upper Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Or Cenomanian Stage, Uppermiddle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Middle Late Cretaceous?

Material: 4 toed footprints.