Ichnogenus: Lavinipes AVANZINI, LEONARDI & MIETTO, 2003
Etymology: From Lavini di Marco, the locality in which the tracks have been discovered.

Ichnospecies: cheminii AVANZINI, LEONARDI & MIETTO, 2003
Etymology: In memory of Luciano Chemini, the discoverer of the Lavini di Marco ichnosite.

Holotype: Rubber cast of manus-pes set 5 from ROLM 577 trackway and fiberglass replica of ROLM 577 2-5 manus-pes set.

Locality: Lavini di Marco ichnosite, Roverto, Trento Province, Italy.

Horizon: Calcari Grigi Formation.


Age: Upper Hettangian-Lower Sinemurian Stage, Lower Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.

Material: See holotype.


Rubber cast of ROLM 577/10: Manus print.

Rubber cast of ROLM 192/4: Pes print.

Topo type: Trackway ROLM 577 in situ.