Ichnogenus: Chapus LI, BATER, ZHANG, HU, & GAO, 2006
Etymology: In reference to Chabu, Inner Mongolia, China, the local region where the footpronts were first found and Latin, pus, "foot."

Ichnospecies: lockleyi LI, BATER, ZHANG, HU, & GAO, 2006
Etymology: In honor of the famous dinosaurian ichnologist, Martin Lockley, Department of Geology, University of Colorado at Denver, who has done a lot of research work in Chabu area and in whole China.

Holotype: CHABU-8-42, CHABU-8-39 and CHABU-8-41 (preserved in situ at Otog Field Museum of Dinosaur Tracks)

Locality: Tracksite CHABU-8, Otog Qi, Inner Mongolia, China.

Horizon: Yijinholo (Jingchuan) Formation.


Age: Late Barremian Stage, Lower Gallic Subepoch, Middle Early Cretaceous.

Material: Tracks.


CHABU-8-10 and Chabu-8-12: One pace.

CHABU-8-25, CHABU-8-26: 26 tracks.

Referred material:

LI, BAI & WEI, 2011

Locality: Chabu Tracksite 6, Chabu, Otog Qi, Inner Mongolia, Cina.

Horizon: Jingchuan Formation.


Age: Barremian-Aptian Stage, Gallic Subepoch, Lower Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


In situ: Tracks.