Genus: Valentinaspis PLAX & NEWMAN, 2023
Etymology: From the combination of the first name of the Lithuanian vertebrate palaeontologist Valentina Karatajute-Talimaa (b. 1930), Valentina, and Greek, aspis, "shield".

Species: profundus PLAX & NEWMAN, 2023
Etymology: Latin, profundus, "deep"; relating to the deep orbital notches adn that the specimens were extrated from the dephts of a borehole.
= Kartalaspis bielorussica RZHONSNIKAYA 1990 (sic)
= Kartalaspis belorussica MARK-KURIK, 19881981 (nomen nudum)

Holotype: GIT 672-13

Locality: Raigla 425 borehole, Estonia.



Age: Upper Emsian stage, Lower Devonian Epoch, Lower Devonian.

Material: Head.

Referred material:

Locality:Vilchitsy 1 borehole, Belarus.



Age: Vitebsk Regional State, Upper Emsian stage, Lower Devonian Epoch, Lower Devonian.


GIT 672-1: Left anterior lateral plate.

GIT 672-2: An anterior part of a skull roof in part and counterpart.

GIT 672-3: Skul forof from a juvenile.

GIT 672-4: An incomplete left anterior dorsolateral plate (ADL).

GIT 672-5: A right posterior dorsolateral plate (PDL).

GIT 672-6: A left ventral part of a juvenile postcranial trunk section.

GIT 672-7: A left posterior ventrolateral plate (PVL).

GIT 672-8: An incomplete right spinal plate (Sp).

GIT 672-9: Left incomplete spinal (sp), anterior lateral (Al) and anterior ventrolateral plates (AVL).

GIT 672-10: A left posterior superognathal plate (PSG).

GIT 672-11: Incomplete right anterior lateral (AL), spinal (Sp) and anterior ventrolateral (AVL) plates.

GIT 672-12: A posterior median vetnral plate (PMV).