Genus: Baraccodus ELLIOTT, CHALLANDS & SMITHSON, 2023
Etymology:From Wester Bracco Farm, teh site of the Ardenrigg Colliery waste tip, and Greek, odovus, Tooth.

Species: kerrorum emend ELLIOTT, CHALLANDS & SMITHSON, 2023
Etymology: In honor of Ramsay and William Keer, owners of Wester Bracco Farm, for allowing access to the Ardenrigg Colliery waste tip.

= Braccodus kerri ELLIOTT, CHALLANDS & SMITHSON, 2023, note, the authors inccorrectly coined the name, and it should be -orum because it was named after two people.

Holotype: GLAHM 163367

Locality: Ardenrigg Colliery, Wester Bracco Farm, Dewshill Colliery waste tip, Dewshill, North lanarkshire, Scotland.

Horizon: Communis Chronozone, Lower Coal Measures Formation.


Age: Early Pennsylvanian, Late Carboniferous.

Material: Left pterygoid and tooth plate.