Genus: Spinascutichthys MURRAY, CHIDA & HOLMES, 2022
Etymology: Latin, spina, "thorn, spine", Latin, scutum, "shield", and Greek, ichthys, "fish"; spiny-shield fish, the gender is masculine.

Species: pankowskiae MURRAY, CHIDA & HOLMES, 2022
Etymology: In honor of Madeline Pankowski who recognized the significance of the fossil material and convinced her family to pruchase ti and donate it to the UALVP.

Holotype: UALVP 61435a, b (part and counterpart)

Locality: En Nammoura Quarry, Lebanon.



Age: Middle Cenomanian Stage, Late Gallic Subepoch, Early Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Complete specimen.


UALVP 61434 a, b (part and counterpart): Complete specimen with the mouth open.

UALVP 61436: Complete specimen.