Genus: Cipactlichthys BRITO & ALVARADO-ORTEGA, 2013
Etymology: Cipacti, named afer the Aztec mythologial sea monster (part fish and part retile) and Greek, ichthys, "fish."

Species: scutatus BRITO & ALVARADO-ORTEGA, 2013
Etymology: Latin scutatus, "sheild", in reference to the shield formed by the large dorsal and ventarl scutes.

Holotype: IGM.6605

Locality: Tlayua quarry, near the town of Tepexi de Rodriguez, Puebla State, Mexico.

Horizon: Tlayua Formation.


Age: Middle-Upper Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Late Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Early Cretaceous.

Material: An almost complete specimen.

Referred material:

IGM.6606: An almost complete specimen.