Genus: Dollosuchoides BROCHU, 2007
Etymology: Resembling Dollo Crocodile.
= Europaeosuchus SWINTON, 1937 (nomen nudum)

Species: densmorei BROCHU, 2007
Etymology: In honor of Llewelly D. Densmore, who resurrected the field of crocodilian systamatics.
= Dollosuchus dixoni SWINTON, 1937 referred material.

Holotype: IRSNB 1748

Locality: Maransart, Brabrant, Belgium.



Age: Middle Eocene Epoch, Paleogene Period, Lower Tertiary Subera, Lower Cenozoic Era.

Material: Skull and dentary, vertebrae, portions of the shoulder and pelvic girdles, limb bones, scutes, etc.