Oogenus: Styloolithus VARRICCHIO & BARTHA, 2015
Etymology: Greek, styl, "pillar or column"; referring to the columnar arrangement of the elongate eggs within the clutch, Greek, oo, "egg, ova" and Greek, lithos, "stone."

Oospecies: sabathi VARRICCHIO & BARTHA, 2015
Etymology: In honor of Karol Sabath (1963-2007) in recognition of his initial description of these specimens and his stimulating contributions to the study of fossil eggs.

Holotype: ZPAL MgOv-II/7a-e

Locality: The Volcano, Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadokhta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: A nest (3 eggs embedded in sandstone and parts of at least 5 more eggs).

Referred mateiral:

ZPAL MgOv-II./25: A block of sandstone containing at least one egg, lacking the upper end, and traces of other two, as well as bones in the same bedding plane as the top of eggs.


SABATH, 1991

Locality: Khulsan, South Gobi Aimak, Mongolia.

Horizon: Barun Goyot Formation, Late Cretaceous.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

ZPAL MgOv-I/19: 26 egg halves or smaller parts.

ZPAL MgOv-I./21a-c: 3 egg halves and a piece of sandstone with eggshell fragments.

ZPAL MgOv-I/25c-d: An egg half with adhering shell bites of another egg and equatorial part of a second egg.


Locality: The Ruins, Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadokhta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ZPAL MgOv-II/6a-g: Parts of 6 eggs.