Genus: Zuolong CHOINIERE, CLARK, FORSTER & XU, 2010 (published in 2011)
Etymology: The generic name Zuolong refers to Genral Zuo Zongtang (also known as Genral Tsao), who conquered portions of Xinjiang during the Qing Dynasty, and Chinese, long, "dragon."

Species: salleei CHOINIERE, CLARK, FORSTER & XU, 2010 (published in 2011)
Etymology: In honor of Hilmar Sallee, whose bequest partially funded escavations at Wucaiwan.

Holotype: IVPP V15912

Locality: Wucaiwan ara of Junggar Basin, northeastern Xinjiang Province, China.

Horizon: Upper part of the Shishugou Formation.


Age: Oxfordian Stage, Lower Malm Epoch, Early Late Jurassic.

Material: Left premaxilla, left maxilla, left quadrate, right and left quadratojugals, left squamosal, right and left ectopterygoids, left pterygoid, left lacrimal, partial frontal, partial frontal, partial parietal, left postorbital, one premaxillary and two maxillary or dentry teeth, five cervical four dorsal, five sacral, and eight caudal vertebrae, right humerus, left radius and ulna, one complete manual ungual, left ilum, right and left pubii, right and left femora, right tibia, proximal right fibula, right metatarsasals II-IV, three pedal phalanges, and pedal ungual.