Genus: Yunmenglong LÜ, XU, PU, ZHANG, ZHANG, JIA, CHANG, ZHANG, & WEI, 2013
Etymology: The generic name referes to the Yunmengshan area, China, where the holotype was found, and Chinese Pinyin, long, "dragon."

Species: ruyangensis LÜ, XU, PU, ZHANG, ZHANG, JIA, CHANG, ZHANG, & WEI, 2013
Etymology: In reference to the locality where the holotype was disovered, Ruyan County in Henan Province, China.

Holoytpe: 41HIII-0006

Locality: Huamiaogou of the Liudian Town, Ruyan County, Henan Province, China.

Horizon: Haoling Formation.


Age: Late Aptian or Early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: 7 naturally articulated anterior cervical vertebrae (2nd - 8th) and 2 isolate posterior cervical vertebrae, 1 dorsal vertebra, 4 anterior caudal vertebrae, and 1 complete right femur (field number KLR-07-50).