Genus: Ojoceratops SULLIVAN & LUCAS, 2010
Etymology: The prefix "Ojo" is derived from Ojo Alamo, New Mexico, name of the formation from which it came, and Greek, cerato, "horn" and Greek, -ceps, "face"; the common root name given to horned dinosaurs.
= Genus: Nova SULLIVAN & LUCAS, 2007

Species: fowleri SULLIVAN & LUCAS, 2010
Etymology: In honor of Denver Fowler, who discoverd the holotype and who also discovered, and collected, a numer of the specimens described herein.

Holotype: SMP VP-1865

Locality: SMP locality 410b, WillowWash, San Juan Basin, New Mexico.

Horizon: Naashoibito Member, Ojo Alamo Formation.


Age: Lancian age, uppermost Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: A complete left squamosal.

Referred material:

Locality: Specific locality information for the specimens cited herein are on file with the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (Albuquerque) and the State Museum of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg).

Horizon: Naashoibito Member, Ojo Alamo Formation.


Age: Lancian age, uppermost Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMMNH P-36200: Fragmentary skull elements, including sections of the squamosals, parietal, upper portion of the premaxilla (including the narial struts and premaxillary fossa), and occipital condyle.

NMMNH P-44477: Partial parietal with attached epiparietal.

SMP VP-1243: Frill fragment and two unidentified fragments.

SMP VP-1245, 1246: Numerous frill fragments.

SMP VP-1248: Isolated frill fragment.

SMP VP-1575: Nearly complete parietal median bar (With lateral "wings").

SMP VP-1576: 2 frill fragments.

SMP VP-1719: Numerous skull fragments, including left jugal/orbital rim region and maxilla fragments.

SMP VP-1828: Numerous skull elements, including nearly complete nasal and isolated ribs.

SMP VP-1849: Frill fragments.

SMP VP-1877: Squamosal fragmetns.

SMP VP-2013: Incomplete parietal median bar.

SMP VP-2090: Nearly complete predentary.



Locality: San Juan Basin, New Mexico.

Horizon: Naashoibito Member, Ojo Alamo Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Alamo Wash Local Fauna.

Age: Late-early or earliest Late Maastrichtian Stage, Uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


NMMNH P-22884 (= UNMB-628): Incomplete left squamosal.

SMP VP-1829: Squamosal fragment, rostral, medial parietal bar, and associated bone fragments.

SMP VP-1872: "Frontal.

SMP VP-1873: Incomplete left dentary with associated bone fragments.

SMP VP-1874: Anterior portion of right ?nasal.

SMP VP-1875: Nealry comlpete right dentary and nearly complete left scapula.

SMP VP-2076: Incomplete right scapula.

SMP VP-2089: Incomplete left pubis.