Genus: Convolosaurus ANDRZEJEWSKI, WINKLER, & JACOBS, 2019
Etymology: Latin, meaning "flocking lizard", in reference to the cluster of juvenile specimens.

Species: marri ANDRZEJEWSKI, WINKLER, & JACOBS, 2019
Etymology: In honor of Dr. Ray H. Marr who produced to the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology videos "We are SVP" and "About the SVP Logo" posted on the SVP website (, and who is a strong proponent of students at Southern Methodist University (SMU).

Holotype: SMU 72834

Locality: Proctor Lake (SMU 001), Comanche County, Central Texas.

Horizon: Twin Mountains Formation, Trinity Group.


Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Aptian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Skull and partial articulted skeleton with 9 cervical vertebrae, 12 dorsal, 6 sacral and 23 caudal vertebrae, right and partial left scapula, right and partial left coracoids, left and partial right humeri, left ulna, left radius, partial left manus, articulated pelvis including the left and right ilia, proximal left and right ischia, partial prepubic rods, proximal and distal ends of the left and right femora and the mid-part of teh left shaft, proximal left and right tibiae, and proximal left fibula.

Referred material:

SMU 70444: Fragmentary skull.

SMU 70445: Femur of a juvenile.

SMU 70456: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.

Small femur (SMU 70445), large femur (SMU 10456).

SMU 70534: Left metatarsals.

SMU 70456: Articulated skeleton.

SMU 71492: Caudal vertebra.

SMU 71504: Right paraoccipital process.

SMU 71510: Right surangular.

SMU 71631: Right quadratojugal.

SMU 71690: Left astragalus.

SMU 71818: Left radius.

SMU 71821: Left ulna.

SMU 71854: Right sacpula.

SMU 72054: Left manus.

SMU 72316: Partial skull, articulated plvic girdle and vertebral column, and partial left hindlimb.

SMU 72534: Left calcaneum.

SMU 72541: Left distal femur.

SMU 73170: Articulated left pes.

SMU 73171: Right pes.

SMU 74087: Partial skull.

SMU 74093: Right femur and tibia.

SMU 74104: Partial left pubis.

SMU 74119: Distal left ischium.

SMU 74124: Left scapula.

SMU 74131: Cervical vertebrae.

SMU 74576: Articulated caudal vertebrae with ossified tendons.

SMU 74663: Skull and partial skeleton.

SMU 74664: Left and right scuplae.

SMU 74665: Partial right hindimb.

SMU 74670: Articulated caudla vertebrae wiht ossifed tendons.

SMU 74678: Partial skull.

SMU 74749: Skull and partial skeletons.

SMU 75379: Partial skull.

SMU 75380: Right premaxilla.

SMU 75564: Partial skeleton.

SMU 75621: Axis and third cervical vertebra.

SMU 75636: Partial left pubis.

SMU 77617: Partial skeleton.

SMU 77638: Partial skeleton.



Locality: Butler Farm, Wise County, North Central Texas.

Horizon: Paluxy Church Formation, Trinity Group.


Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


Number: Not given: