Genus: Hypselospinus NORMAN, 2010
Etymology: Greek, hypselos, "high/tall," and Latin, spina, "backbone"; in reference to the singularly slender and elongate neural spines found on the dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae.
= Darwinsaurus PAUL, 2011
Etymology: In recognation of Darwin's theory, whith the diverse iguandonts standing as an example of complex evoution via rapid speciation, And Greek, sauros, "lizard."
= Huxleysaurus PAUL, 2011
Etymology: For Dawin's "Bulldog" and coiner of the term agnostic, Thomas Huxley, and Greek, sauros, "lizard."
= Wadhurstia CARPENTER & ISHIDA, 2010
Etymology: In reference to the Wadhurst Clay, Hastings Beds Group.

Species: fittoni (LYDEKKER, 1889) NORMAN, 2010
= Iguanodon fittoni LYDEKER, 1889
Etymology: In honor of William Henery Fitton (1780-1861).
= Wadhurstia fittoni (LYDEKKER, 1889) CARPENTER & ISHIDA, 2010
= Huxleysaurus fittoni (LYDEKKER, 1889) PAUL, 2011

Holotype: NHMUK (BMNH) R1635

Locality: Shorden Quarry in the Village of Shornden, near Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wadhurst Clay Formation, Hastings sub-group, Lower Wealden Group.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left ilium

NHMUK (BMNH) R1635a: Fragmentary pubis.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1635b: Fragmentary sacrum.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1635c: Caudal centrum.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1635d: Fragmentary upper teeth.

Referred material:


Locality: Hare Farm Lane, Brede, (TQ 83141844), East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Basal Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


NHMUK (BMNH) R1627: A partial pelvis, several dorsal and caudal vertebrae, a partial hind limb and other elements.



Locality: Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


NHUMK (old BMNH): Right ilium, pubis, left femur, and several more or less imperfect vertebrae.


= Darwinsaurus evolutionis PAUL, 2011
Etymology: In recognation of Darwin's theory, whith the diverse iguandonts standing as an example of complex evoution via rapid speciation.

Holotype: NHMUK R8131/1833/1835/1836

Locality: Shorden Quarry in the Village of Shornden, near Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wadhurst Clay Formation, Hastings sub-group, Lower Wealden Group.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.


= Huxleysaurus hollingtoniensis (LYDEKKER, 1889) PAUL, 2011
= Iguanodon hollingtoniensis LYDEKKER, 1889
Etymology: In reference to Hollington, East Sussex County, England.

Holotype: NHMUK (BMNH) R1148, R1629, R1632, 811, 811b, 604

Locality: Hollington, near Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Femur, sacral vertebrae.

Broken down by LYDEKKER, 1890

NHMUK (BMNH) R1148: Right femur.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629a: Fragmentary scapula.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629b: Crushed left radius and ulna.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629c: Phalangeal spine of pollex.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629d: Left femur.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629e: Fragmentary left tibia.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629f: Proximal portion of left fibula.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1629g: Second left metatarsal and the associated proximal phalangeal.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1632: 10 associated imperfect sacral and caudal vertebra.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1632a: 3 imperfect and much crushed cervical vertebrae and the distal portion of a metatarsal.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1632b: Terminal phalangeal of the second digit of the left pes.

Referred material:

NHMUK (BMNH) R811: Sacral vertebrae.

NHMUK (BMNH) R811b: Ilium.

NHMUK (BMNH) R 604: Dorsal vertebrae.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604: 3 fragmentary teeth.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604: A fragmentary right tibia.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604: A second left metatarsal.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604a: First phalangeal, belonging to a 2nd digit of the right pes.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604c: Second phalangeal of the third digit of the pes.

NHMUK (BMNH) R604b: A terminal phalangeal of the 2nd digit of the right pes.

NHMUK (BMNH) 33: Fragmentary skeleton.


Locality: Shornden, near Hastings, East Sussex County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Wadhurst Clay, Lower Wealden Formation.


Age: Lower Valanginian Stage, Middle Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


NHMUK (BMNH) R 1636: Fragmentary skeleton.

NHMUK (BMNH) R1634: A middle dorsal vertebra.


Locality: Speeton Clay, Yorkshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: D7D, Speeton Clay.

Biostratigraphy: Paracraspedites and Suberacraspidites zone.

Age: Late Berriasian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.


NHMUK (BMNH) R8676: Right femur, tibia with attached astragalus and partial fibula.

Note: Has a pathology on the distal part of the shaft of the tibia (GALTON, 2009)