Genus: Camptosaurus MARSH, 1885
Etymology: Greek, kamptos, “flexible," and Greek, sauros, "lizard": Flexible lizard.
= Campotonodus ROMER, 1966 (sic)
= Camptonodus HOFFMANN, 1880 (sic)
= Camptonotus MARSH, 1879/UHLER, 1864
Etymology: Greek, kamptos, “flexible," and Greek notos, “back”: Flexible back.
= Camptonutus GALTON & JENSEN, 1979 (sic)
= Comptonotus COPE, 1882 (sic)
= Camaptopsaurus SENTER, 2011 (sic)
= Uteodon McDONALD, 2011
Etymology: Ute (pronouced "yewt") is the name of a Native American people who inhabit northeastern Utah, in the vicinity of Dinosaur National Monument, and Greek, odon, "tooth," a common root in the generic names of basal iguandonts. The gender name is masculine.

Species: dispar (MARSH, 1878) MARSH, 1885
Etymology: Possibly, Latin, dissimilis, "unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct."
= Camptonotus dispar MARSH, 1879
= Cumnoria disapar (MARSH, 1879) WILLISTON, 1890
= Comptonotus dispar COPE, 1882 (sic)

Holotype: YPM 1877

Locality: Reed's YPM Quarry 13, T22N, R76W, Sec. 4 or 5, Como Bluff, East (East of Marshall road), Albany County, Wyoming.

Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.

Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Atlas, axis, 7 cervicals, first dorsal, left scapula (lacking upper half of blade), left coracoid (also incomplete), 2 femora, tibia, fibula astragalus, calcaneum, nearly complete pes, and 2 manii.



YPM 1877a: Partial sacrum with 4 sacral vertebrae.

YPM 1878: Left ilium, pubis, and ischium, humerus, radius and ulna.

Referred material:


USNM 7631: Right coracoid.

USNM 5955: Left scapula.

Discarded: Fragments.

Note: The skull restoration of Camptosaurus is a composite of the posterior portion of C. dispar (USNM 5473), the anterior half as well as the inferoposterior part after C. amplus? (YPM 1887), lower jaw and maxillae are partly after YPM 1887, and C. medius (YPM 1880).

Composite skull.

Top composite skull; Middle left Cumnoria (Camptosaurus) prestwichii OUM J.3303; Middle Right, Camptosaurus dispar (USNM 5473,YPM 1880); Lower Left, Camptosaurus medius (YPM 1880); Lower right, Theiophytalia kerri (Camptosaurus amplus?) (YPM 1887) .


Camptosaurus dispar skull composite; USNM 5473, YPM 1880, 1886, AMN 6120 (Modified from Brill & Carpenter, 2007).



Locality: Bone Cabin West Quarry, Albany County, Wyoming.

Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone?

Age: Age?, Stage?, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Number: Not given: Skull and fragmentary skeleton of a juvenile.

= Camptosaurus medius MARSH, 1894
Etymology: Latin, medius, "middle, intermediate."

Holotype: YPM 1880

Locality: Reed's YPM Quarry 13, T22N, R76W, Sec. 4 or 5, Como Bluff, East (East of Marshall road), Albany County, Wyoming.

Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.

Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: A well-preserved disarticulated skull and jaws, 59 or more vertebrae, representing all parts of the vertebral column, of which at least half have the arches and spinous processe complete, 2 humeri, 2 ulnae, 1 radius, 1 femur, tibia and fibula, astragalus, calcaneum, left pes, 2 ilia, ischium, pubis, numerous ribs and ossified tendons.




Referred material:

YPM 1886: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.



Locality: Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry, approximately 20 miles south of Price, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 21, T17S, R11E, SLBM. lat 39°19’00", Long. 110°41’15"W, San Rafael Swell Area, Carbon County, Utah.

Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.

Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Number: Not given:



Locality: Marsh-Felch’s YPM Quarry 1, Garden Park, Sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Canyon City, Fremont County, Colorado.

Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.

Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Number: Not given:


= Camptosaurus nanus MARSH, 1894
Etymology: Greek, nanus, "dwarf."
= Camptosaurus novus RIABININ, 1937 (sic)

Holotype: USNM 2210

Locality: Reed's YPM Quarry 13, T22N, R76W, Sec. 4 or 5, Como Bluff, East (East of Marshall road), Albany County, Wyoming.

Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.

Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Portions of atlas, axis 7 cervical, 16 dorsals, 4 sacral, and 34 caudal vertebrae, numerous cervical and thoracic ribs, right fore limb (Scapula, coracoid, humerus, radius and ulna), 2 femora, 2 tibiae, left fibula, 2 ilia, 2 ischia, portion of left pubis, 2 metacarpals, 1 carpal and parts of ossified tendons.

Referred material:


USNM 5960: Metatarsals II, III.

USNM 7394: Left metatarsal IV.


= Camptosaurus browni GILMORE, 1909
Etymology: In honor of Fred Brown who found the specimen.

Holotype: USNM 4282

Locality: Reed's YPM Quarry 13, T22N, R76W, Sec. 4 or 5, Como Bluff, East (East of Marshall road), Albany County, Wyoming.

Horizon: Salt Wash Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 2.

Age: Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Right dentary, 5th right dorsal rib, left humerus, left radius, ulna and manus, spinous process, pieces of dorsal rib, portion of right ischium, left ischium, 1st, 4th, 7th cervical, cervical rib, dorsal vertebrae 1st, 8th-16th, 1st-5th sacral, 1st-4th, 7th-11th, 13th-16th, 21st-38th caudal vertebrae, right ilium, chevron, dorsal ribs, left scapula and left coracoid, right scapula and right coracoid, right radius and ulna, right hind foot ungual digit IV.
Note: Paleopathologies, ilium has a large hole and the basal tail is injured.

Referred material:

USNM 4277: Right hind foot, excepting ungual of digit IV.

USNM 4697: Left hind foot.

USNM 5959: Right femur, tibia, astragalus, and fibula.

USNM 5961: Left fibula and calcaneum.

USNM 6001: Fifth cervical vertebra.

USNM 6016: Left femur.

USNM 7076: Left tibia.

Note: The above specimens are incorporated in the mounted skeleton.


Species: aphanoecetes CARPENTER & WILSON, 2008
Etymology: Greek, aphanoe-, "hidden" and Greek, -cetes, "to well"; As to the 'dwell in plain sight' in reference to the new species having been 'hidden in plain sight' because it was on exhibit for over 75 years.
= Uteodon aphanoecetes (CARPENTER & WILSON, 2008) McDONALD, 2011

Holotype: CM 11337

Locality: Carnegie Quarry, Dinosaur National Monument, north of the little town of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah.

Horizon: Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 3.

Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: 8 cervicals, 17 dorsals, 5 sacrals, 13 caudal vertebrae, both ilia, both pubes, both ischia, both scapulae, left coracoid, both humeri, left radius, ulna, carpus, and manus, both femora, both tibiae, both fibulae, 31 thoracic ribs (several incomplete), 3 posterior cervical ribs, 2 chevrons, and ossified tendons.


CM 41689: Right (?) incomplete sternal plate.

CM 79050: Left pubis and ischium.

DINO 556: Right dentary.

DINO 1030: Left articulated coracoid and scapula.

DINO 1032: Right scapula.


Locality: Approximately 1 km (0.5 miles) west of the Carnegie Quarry in the Utah portion of Dinosaur National Monument, near Jensen, Uinta County, Utah.

Horizon: Upper Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Zone 4.

Age: Upper Part, Comobluffian age, Tithonian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


CM 15780 (DNM 315): 2 cervical, 6 dorsals and 5 caudal vertebrae, scapulacoracoid, humerus, tibia, fibula, and dorsal ribs of an embryo.

Referred material:

CM 21707 (DNM 197/11): Left tibia.

CM 21723 (DNM 102, part): Small right femur.

CM 21724 (DNM 210/12): Upper end of left femur.

CM 21778 (DNM 130/D): Distal end of ischium.

CM 21725 (DNM 358): Three metatarsals.

DINO 499: Part of mandible with several teeth.

DINO 1021: Incomplete portion of right pubis.

DINO 1091: Left femur.

DINO 2457: Left metatarsal III.

DINO 2461: Left metatarsal II.

DINO 2558: Right partial maxillary.

DINO 3831, 3832, 3908: Associated left femur, left tibia, and right tibia.


DINO 4893: Lower jaw.

DINO 5090-5093: Caudal vertebrae.

CM 21722 (DNM 217a): Small right femur.

CM 38337 (DNM 130): Incomplete tibia and fibula.



Locality: Praia da Corva's cliffs, Torres Vedras Municipality, Lusitanian Basin, Lisboa District, Portugal.

Horizon: Alcobaca Formation.


Age: Upper Kimmeridgian Stage, uppermost Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.


Number: Not given: Partial skeleton.